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Brie is the best known French cheese and has a nickname "The Queen of Cheeses". Several hundred years ago, Brie was one of the tributes which had to be paid to the French kings. In France, Brie is very different from the cheese exported to the United States. "Real" French Brie is unstabilized and the flavor is complex when the surface turns slightly brown. When the cheese is still pure-white, it is not matured. If the cheese is cut before the maturing process is finished, it will never develop properly. Exported Brie, however, is stabilized and never matures. Stabilized Brie has a much longer shelf life and is not susceptible to bacteriological infections. Brie, one of the great dessert cheeses, comes as either a 1 or 2 kilogram wheel and is packed in a wooden box. In order to enjoy the taste fully, Brie must be served at room temperature.
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herb (fresh sprigs) Description: Mint-like leaves, also called balm. Sweet, lemon flavor with a citrus scent. Uses: Jams and jellies, salads, soups, ...
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- Dış mekan süslemeleri(23)
- Veranda ve çim(6)
- Bahçe cihazları(6)
- Barbekü(1)
- Bahçe malzemeleri(1)