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Mlad mjesec
Author Stephenie Meyer’s fantasy novel New Moon is the second in the Twilight series. The book is about losing true love. The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of protagonist Bella Swan's life.
In this novel Bella learns that her best friend Jacob can shape –shift into a wolf and Jacob and his wolves’ tribe must protect Bella from Victoria, vampires seeking to avenge the death of her mate James. Edward believes Bella is dead and decides to commit suicide in Volterra; he is stopped by Bella, who is accompanied by Edward's sister, Alice. The most powerful vampire coven Volturi is introduced.
The New Moon peaked #1 on both the New York Times Best Seller list and USA Today's Top 150 Bestsellers, and was the biggest selling children's paperback of 2008 with over 5.3 million copies sold.
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