Home > Terms > Hırvatistan (HR) > Hobit
The book by J.R.R. Tolkien is an adventurous, fantasy tale that takes place in the land of the middle earth.
This story reveals tender and moving themes. Courage, trust, and friendship are the three most dominant themes projected in this tale of adventure. On their quest to restore the dwarves wealth and pride; Bilbo, Gandalf, and the 13 Dwarves encounter numerous challenges of both the emotional and physical nature.
Bilbo's revelation from a timid, do-gooder hobbit to a daring thief is the most exciting transformation experienced. The battles experienced during the journey with goblins, wargs, spiders, trolls, and the occasional dragon.
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- Modern mimari(73)
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Elektronik bileşenler(619) Terms
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- Medicare & Medicaid(969)
- Hayat sigortası(359)
- Genel sigorta(50)
- Ticari sigorta(4)
- Seyahat sigortası(1)
Sigorta(3040) Terms
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- Kanalizasyon(2)