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Related to the practice of regular exercise to maintain good physical condition and health.
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Form; Egzersizler
DuPont CoolMax yüksek performanslı polyester olduğunu. DuPont'ın özel gezi kullandığı ? lifleri taşımak için ter vücut nerede o buharlaşması hızla kumaş uzağa--dan dış katmanı. ...
gluteus maksimus, medius ve minimus
Form; Egzersizler
The 3 muscles of the buttocks and hips that extend your thighs forward and to the side (abduction) and rotate your legs at the hips. Walking, running and climbing all work the ...
Form; Egzersizler
A long group of three muscles in the back of your thigh that runs hip to knee. "Hams" for short.
hamstring kasları
Form; Egzersizler
The group of 3 muscles on the back of your thighs that runs from the lower part of the pelvis to just below the knees. They allow you to bend your knees and straighten your legs ...
Form; Egzersizler
A slow or very easy run. Often considered an insulting term by serious runners who just call it an easy run.
kompleks karbonhidratlar
Form; Egzersizler
Starches, such as grains, breads, rice, pasta, vegetables and beans. They get their name from their complex, chainlike structure. During digestion, starches are typically broken ...
Form; Egzersizler
Proteinlike bir madde kaslarınızı tarafından üretilen (aynı zamanda bazı etler tespit) atletik performans ve gecikme yorgunluk artış bulunmuştur. Kas gücü ve Sprint gibi yoğun ...
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- Kilo verme (9326)
- Longevity (13)
- Meditasyon (89)
- Spa (8693)
- Vücut geliştirme (82)
- Yoga (2928)