Home > Terms > Filipince (TL) > alegasyon ng paggamit ng tatak-pangkalakal
alegasyon ng paggamit ng tatak-pangkalakal
A sworn statement signed by the applicant or an authorized individual on behalf of the applicant attesting to use of the mark in commerce. The allegation of use must include one specimen showing use of the mark in commerce for each class of goods and services included in the application. If filed before the examining attorney approves the mark for publication, the allegation of use is also called an Amendment to Allege Use. If filed after issuance of the Notice of Allowance, the allegation of use is also called a Statement of Use. The Amendment to Allege Use and the Statement of Use include the same information, and differ only as to the time when filed. The applicant may not file either an Amendment to Allege Use or a Statement of Use between the date the examining attorney approves the mark for publication and the date of issuance of the notice of allowance.
- Cümlenin Öğesi: isim
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- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Hukuk hizmetleri
- Kategori Patent ve marka
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Diğer Diller:
Ne demek istiyorsunuz?
Terimler Haberlerde
Öne Çıkan Terimler
Collection of reproductive structures found in flowering plants.
Öne çıkan sözlükler
Classifications of Cardiovascular Death

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Aşk(51) Terms
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- Inorganik tuzlar(2)
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- Oksitler(1)
- İnorganik asitler(1)
Inorganik kimyasallar(50) Terms
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- Metalurji(891)
- Korozyon mühendisliği(646)
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- Darbe testi(1)
Malzeme bilimi(3330) Terms
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- Internet(195)
- Arama motorları(29)
- Online oyunlar(22)
- Ecommerce(21)
- SEO(8)