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земаљска кугла
A representation on a small scale of the main features of the Earth's surface, either purely geographical, showing continents, seas, islands, etc. , or political, showing national boundaries also. The construction of such a globe implies an affirmation that the Earth is a sphere, or almost spherical, and although vague references to globes appear in Greek and Latin authors it was not until the Renaissance that their existence in Europe is certain. The earliest which has survived is the so-called Erdapfel of Martin Behaim. It was made in 1492 of papier-mache covered with parchment, with 1,100 localities marked on it. The well-known Jagellonian globe in Cracow, probably made by Hans Dorn of Vienna, consists of an armillary sphere surrounding a clock-driven brass terrestrial globe. It dates from c. 1507 and bears the word 'Amerika'. The great geographical discoveries of the 16th century stimulated interest in terrestrial globes.
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