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The charge consultancies make for the time of the executive staff working on client programmes, usually invoiced in regular instalments monthly or quarterly in advance and monitored through daily timesheets.
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Sektör/Rtki Alanı Tıbbi cihazlar Kategori Kalp malzemeleri
аортална валвула
The aortic valve is the heart's main doorway between the left ventricle and the aorta. The aortic valve can be affected by a range of problems that ...
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- Mahkemeler(823)
- Patent ve marka(449)
- DNA forensics(434)
- Aile hukuku(220)
- Hukuki yardım (cezai)(82)
Hukuk hizmetleri(8095) Terms
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- Astronaut(371)
- Gezegen bilimi(355)
- Ay(121)
- Kuyrukluyıldızlar(101)
- Mars(69)
Astronomi(1901) Terms
- Dünya tarihi(1480)
- Israeli history(1427)
- Amerikan tarihi(1149)
- Ortaçağ(467)
- Nazi Germany(442)
- Mısır tarihi(242)