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создавање кредити
Making loans. Often the amount of credit creation is subject to regulation. Lenders may have limits on the amount of loans they can make relative to the assets they have, so that they run little risk of bankruptcy (see Basel 1 and 2 and capital adequacy ratio). A central bank tries to keep the amount of credit creation below the level at which it would increase the money supply so much that inflation accelerates. This was never easy to get right even when most lending was by banks, but it has become much harder with the recent growth of non-bank lending, such as by credit-card com¬panies and retailers.
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- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Ekonomi
- Kategori Ekonomi
- Company: The Economist
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1. A violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, either pendant from a cumuliform cloud or underneath a cumuliform cloud, and often ...
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