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телематикалық өнері
Alain Minc and Simon Nora first used the term Telematic in the late 1970s to describe the way computers transmit information. In the early 1990s, the British artist and theorist Roy Ascott coined the term Telematic art to describe art that uses the internet and other digital means of communication, like email and mobile phones, in order to make a more interactive form of art. Much of the writing surrounding Telematic art focuses on the human aspect of the medium; the desire to communicate with another, even in the virtual world, and how this is central to the creation of the medium. (see Browser art; Digital art; Net art; Software art)
- Cümlenin Öğesi: isim
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- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Sanat tarihi
- Kategori Genel sanat tarihi
- Company: Tate
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- Klinik çalışmalar(199)
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- Lottery(74)