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The exposed portion of a stone; also refers to the edge treatment on various cutting stock materials.
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- Balo Salonu(285)
- Oryantal dans(108)
- Amigoluk(101)
- Koreografi(79)
- Tarihsel dans(53)
- Afro Amerikalı(50)
Dans(760) Terms
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- Bar terimleri(31)
Barlar ve gece kulüpleri(63) Terms
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- Gazete(79)
- Araştırmacı gazetecilik(44)
Haber servisi(660) Terms
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- Managed care(1521)
- Optometri(1202)
Sağlık hizmetleri(89875) Terms
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- Uzay uçuşu(332)
- Kontrol sistemleri(178)
- Uzay mekiği(72)