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փոխանակման շուկա
1. The market on which national currencies are exchanged for one another. 2. The actual exchange market, which exists primarily among large international banks. Others who wish to exchange currencies do it through these banks. 3. The theoretical representation of the exchange market as either the interaction of supply and demand arising from exchange-market transactions or as an asset market equilibrium between currencies.
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- Sözcük Blogu
- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Ekonomi
- Kategori Uluslararası iktisat
- Company: University of Michigan
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անլար կապակցումների և Համացանցի մուտքի համար հատուկ նախատեսված դյուրակիր համակարգչի տեսակ:
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Browers Terms By Category
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- Tren parçaları(12)
- Trenler(2)
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- Zooloji terimleri(611)
- Hayvan fiilleri(25)
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- Sağlık sigortası(1657)
- Medicare & Medicaid(969)
- Hayat sigortası(359)
- Genel sigorta(50)
- Ticari sigorta(4)
- Seyahat sigortası(1)
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- General Finans(7677)
- Para(1299)
- Emtia borsası(874)
- Özel sermaye(515)
- Muhasebe(421)
- Gayrimenkul yatırımı(192)
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- Balo Salonu(285)
- Oryantal dans(108)
- Amigoluk(101)
- Koreografi(79)
- Tarihsel dans(53)
- Afro Amerikalı(50)