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Not putting all your eggs in one basket. Investors are encouraged to do this by modern portfolio theory, as holding several different shares and other assets helps to reduce risk. At the sharp end of business, however, diversification is somewhat out of fashion. Economic studies of diversifying corporate mergers have found that these often hurt the shareholders of the acquiring firm; by contrast, diversified firms that have sold off non-core businesses have typically made their shareholders much better off.
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- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Ekonomi
- Kategori Ekonomi
- Company: The Economist
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Browers Terms By Category
- Yatçılık(31)
- Gemi parçaları(4)
- Tekne kiralama(2)
- General sailing(1)
Yelkencilik(38) Terms
- İnorganik pigmentler(45)
- Inorganik tuzlar(2)
- Fosfatlar(1)
- Oksitler(1)
- İnorganik asitler(1)
Inorganik kimyasallar(50) Terms
- Yazıcılar(127)
- Faks makineleri(71)
- Fotokopi makineleri(48)
- Büro malzemesi(22)
- Tarayıcılar(9)
- Projektörler(3)
Ofis ekipmanları(281) Terms
- Pazarlama iletişimi(549)
- Online reklamcılık(216)
- Afişle reklam(152)
- Televizyon reklamcılığı(72)
- Radyo reklamları(57)
- Yeni medya reklamları(40)
Reklam(1107) Terms
- Aeronautics(5992)
- Hava trafik kontrolü(1257)
- Havaalanı(1242)
- Uçak(949)
- Aircraft maintenance(888)
- Powerplant(616)