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Organic chemistry

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Organic chemistry

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Kimya; Organik kimya

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 8 COOH A fatty acid found in oils and animal fats.


Kimya; Organik kimya

C 6 H 10 O An oily liquid with an odor suggesting peppermint and acetone; soluble in alcohol, ether, and other organic solvents; used as an industrial solvent, in the production of adipic acid, and ...


Kimya; Organik kimya

C 12 H 8 OCl 6 Poisonous, white crystals that are insoluble in water; it is used as a pesticide and is a stereoisomer of dieldrin, another pesticide.


Kimya; Organik kimya

A hydrate with a 2:1 molecular ratio of anhydrous compound to water, plaster of paris is the hemihydrate of calcium sulfate, composition CaSO 4 _ 1 / 2 H 2 O.


Kimya; Organik kimya

C 23 H 27 O 8 N_3H 2 O White, odorless crystals with bitter taste; soluble in alcohol and water, insoluble in ether; melts at 170_C; used in medicine.


Kimya; Organik kimya

(CH 2 CHCONH 2 )x A white, water-soluble high polymer based on acrylamide; used as a thickening or suspending agent in water-base formulations.

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Kimya; Organik kimya

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