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Organic chemistry

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Organic chemistry


Kimya; Organik kimya

Hidrojen sülfit alkoller türev suyun çoğu aynı şekilde ornatıklarla organosulfur bileşikleri grubu; karakteristik nahoş bir koku var ve diğer kükürt bileşikleri ile ham petrol bulundu; metil ...

n-oktil merkaptan

Kimya; Organik kimya

C 8 H 17 SH Clear, colorless liquid boiling at 199_C; used as a chemical intermediate and polymerization conditioner.


Kimya; Organik kimya

C 12 H 22 O 11 Combustible, white crystals soluble in water, decomposes at 160 to 186_C; derived from sugarcane or sugarbeet; used as a sweetener in drinks and foods and to make syrups, preserves, ...


Kimya; Organik kimya

Formation of a new compound by introducing the ethyl functional group (C 2 H 5 ).

hidrakrilik asit

Kimya; Organik kimya

CH 2 OH_CH 2 COOH An oily liquid that is an isomer of lactic acid and that breaks down on heating to acrylic acid.

civa benzoat

Kimya; Organik kimya

Hg(C 7 H 5 O 2 ) 2 _H 2 O Poisonous white crystals, sensitive to light, melting at 165_C; slightly soluble in alcohol and water; used in medicine. Also known as mercury benzoate.

polivinil florür

Kimya; Organik kimya

(_H 2 CCHF_)x Vinyl fluoride polymer; has superior resistance to weather, chemicals, oils, and stains, and has high strength; used for packaging (but not of food) and electrical equipment.

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