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of or relating to boats, sailing, maritime topics

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Nakliye; Deniz

obsolete term for the left side of a ship. Derived from "lay-board" providing access between a ship and a quay, when ships normally docked with the left side to the wharf. Replaced by port side or ...

lateral sistem

Nakliye; Deniz

AIDS navigasyon özellikleri şamandıralar ve işaretleri kanal veya buoyage geleneksel bir yönüyle göreli yol kenarlarında belirtmek için bir sistem (genellikle ters yönde).


Nakliye; Deniz

to come and go, used in giving orders to the crew, such as "lay forward" or "lay aloft". To direct the course of vessel. Also, to twist the strands of a rope together.

rüzgâraltı taraf

Nakliye; Deniz

the side of a ship sheltered from the wind (cf. weather side).

genel uzunluk

Nakliye; Deniz

the length of a ship.

cankurtaran -

Nakliye; Deniz

a rescue boat kept on board a vessel


Nakliye; Deniz

an inflatable, covered raft, used in the event of a vessel being abandoned.

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