Contributors in Sinema
Siyah Beyaz
Eğlence; Sinema
Also Known As: BW, B/W, B&W. Indicates that the images have no color. The first movies were black and white (as color film stock hadn't been invented), but in more recent times many films have been ...
Kara mizah
Eğlence; Sinema
A comedy in which the humour is derived from subjects which are typically considered "serious", or for which humour is usually considered as unsuitable. Common examples are death, war, suffering, and ...
Kamera Operatörü
Eğlence; Sinema
Olarak da bilinir: kameraman. Kamera görüntü yönetmeni tarafından dikte özelliklerine göre çalışır kişi. Bazen bir yönetmen ya da görüntü yönetmeni bu rolünü varsayar. (Luc Besson her zaman kamera o ...