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Judaism is a religion of the Jewish people. It is a monotheistic religion originating in the Hebrew Bible. Judaism states that god stated the laws and comandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Judaism claims a 3,000 year continuous history.

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In Judaism, life is valued above almost all else, and almost any commandment can be violated to save a life.


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The "Supreme Court" of the ancient Jewish state, in the tradition established in Exodus chapter 18. According to tradition, the Oral Torah was given to Moses and passed on a continuous line to ...


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İbrahim'in karısı. Isaac annesi. Bir Yahudilik hafızalarına.

Kutsal Yazılar

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The Jewish Bible, also referred to as the Tanakh. More or less corresponds to what non-Jews call the "Old Testament. " See Torah.


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Yaktı. Emanations. İçinde Yahudi mistisizmi, emanations g-d evren ile etkileşim özü.


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Lit. End, cease, rest. The Jewish Sabbath, a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. See also Shabbat Evening Home Ritual; Havdalah Home Ritual.


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Seks, ayıp, günah veya müstehcen değil. Sadece üremek değil. Seks bir mitzvah olduğunda cinsel istek karı koca karşılıklı sevgi ve arzu, uygun zamanda gerçekleşmiş demektir. Ayrıca evlilik ...

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