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Judaism is a religion of the Jewish people. It is a monotheistic religion originating in the Hebrew Bible. Judaism states that god stated the laws and comandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Judaism claims a 3,000 year continuous history.

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Mizrahi Musevileri

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Jews from Northern Africa and the Middle East, and their descendants. Approximately half of the Jews of Israel are Mizrachi. See Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.


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Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days, but specific beliefs in this area are open to personal interpretation.


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Tüm peygamberlerin hepsi tüm diğer peygamberlerin gören büyük kombine ve gördüm. Ayrıca bkz: peygamberler ve kehanet.


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1) (İsrail) Jacob'ın oğlu. Bir İsrail kabileleri atası; 2) Onun adını taşıyan kabilesi.


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Throughout this site, the term "nation" is used in the classical sense, meaning a group of people with a shared history and a sense of a group identity. As the term is used in this site, a nation is ...


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Çünkü hayat çok değerli ötenazi, intihar ve Yardımlı intihar kesinlikle Yahudi kanunen yasaktır. Yaşam, ölüm ve yas daha fazla bilgi için bkz.

Oruç günleri

Din; Yahudilik

Birçok Yahudi tatil, oruç, bunun üzerine biz ne yemek içmek ne vardır. Yom Kippur görmek; Tisha B'Av; Küçük Fasts.

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