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Inorganic chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
uranil tuzları
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Salts of UO 3 that ionize to form UO 2 2 + and that are yellow in solution; for example, uranyl chloride, UO 2 Cl 2 .
kalsiyum klorat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Ca(ClO 3 ) 2 _2H 2 O White monoclinic crystals, decomposed by heating.
Lityum bromür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
LiBr_H 2 O A white, deliquescent, granular powder with a bitter taste, melting at 547_C; soluble in alcohol and glycol; used to add moisture to air-conditioning systems and as a sedative and hypnotic ...
samaryum oksit
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Sm 2 O 3 A cream-colored powder with a melting point of 2300_C; soluble in acids; used for infrared-absorbing glass and as a neutron absorber.
uranil sülfat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
UO 2 SO 4 _3 1 / 2 H 2 Oand UO 2 SO 4 _3H 2 OPoisonous, radioactive yellow crystals; soluble in water and concentrated hydrochloric acid; used as an analytical reagent. Also known as uranium sulfate.
kalsiyum klorür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
CaCl 2 A colorless, deliquescent powder that is soluble in water and ethanol; used as an antifreeze and as an antidust agent.
lityum karbonat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Li 2 CO 3 A colorless, crystalline compound that melts at 700_C and has slight solubility in water; used in ceramic industries in the manufacture of powdered glass for porcelain enamel formulation.
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