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Inorganic chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
Kobaltoz bromür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
CoBr 2 _6H 2 O Red-violet crystals with a melting point of 47–48_C; soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; used in hygrometers. Also known as cobalt bromide.
cıvalı baryum iyodür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
HgI 2 _BaI 2 _5H 2 O Crystals that are yellow or reddish and deliquescent; soluble in alcohol and water; used in aqueous solution as Rohrbach’s solution for mineral separation on the basis of ...
sodyum borhidrür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
NaBH 4 A flammable, hygroscopic, white to gray powder; soluble in water, insoluble in ether and hydrocarbons; decomposes in damp air; used as a hydrogen source, a chemical reagent, and a rubber ...
alüminyum nitrat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Al(NO 3 ) 3 _9H 2 O White, deliquescent crystals with a melting point of 73_C; soluble in alcohol and acetone; used as a mordant for textiles, in leather tanning, and as a catalyst in petroleum ...
nikel fosfat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Ni 3 (PO 4 ) 2 _7H 2 O A light-green powder; soluble in acids and ammonium hydroxide, insoluble in water; used for electroplating and production of yellow nickel.
sodyum permanganat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
NaMnO 4 _3H 2 O A fire-hazardous, water-soluble, purple powder; decomposes when heated; used to make saccharin, as a disinfectant, and as an oxidizing agent.
Kobaltoz klorür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
CoCl 2 or CoCl 2 _6H 2 O A compound whose anhydrous form consists of blue crystals and sublimes when heated, and whose hydrated form consists of red crystals and melts at 86.8_C; both forms are used ...