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Inorganic chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
A negative ion usually assigned the formula AlO 2 _ and derived from aluminum hydroxide.
nikel arsenat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Ni 3 (AsO 4 ) 2 _H 2 O Poisonous yellow-green powder; soluble in acids, insoluble in water; used as a fat-hardening catalyst in soapmaking.
sodyum nitrat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
NaNO 3 Fire-hazardous, transparent, colorless crystals with bitter taste; soluble in glycerol and water; melts at 308_C; decomposes when heated; used in manufacture of glass and pottery enamel and ...
krom karbür
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Cr 3 C 2 Orthorhombic crystals with a melting point of 1890_C; resistant to oxidation, acids, and alkalies; used for hot-extrusion dies, in spray-coating materials, and as a component for pumps and ...
Manganez sülfat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
MnSO 4 _4H 2 O Water-soluble, translucent, efflorescent rose-red prisms; melts at 30_C; used in medicine, textile printing, and ceramics, as a fungicide and fertilizer, and in paint manufacture. Also ...
sodyum bikarbonat
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
NaHCO 3 White, water-soluble crystals with an alkaline taste; loses carbon dioxide at 270_C; used as a medicine and a butter preservative, in food preparation, in effervescent salts and beverages, ...
trihidrat alümina
Kimya; İnorganik kimya
Al 2 O 3 _3H 2 O, or Al(OH) 3 A white powder; insoluble in water, soluble in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide; used in the manufacture of ceramic glasses and in paper coating. Also ...