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Inorganic chemistry

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Inorganic chemistry

potasyum perkarbonat

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

K 2 C 2 O 6 _H 2 O White, granular, water-soluble mass with a melting point of 200–300_C; used in microscopy, photography, and textile printing.


Kimya; İnorganik kimya

A salt of titanic acid; titanates of the M 2 TiO 3 type are called metatitanates, those of the M 4 TiO 4 type are called orthotitanates; an example is sodium titanate, (Na 2 O) 2 Ti 2 O 5 .

subkarbonat bizmut

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

(BiO) 2 CO 3 or Bi 2 O 3 _CO 2 _ 1 / 2 H 2 O A white powder; dissolves in hydrochloric or nitric acid, insoluble in alcohol and water; used as opacifier in x-ray diagnosis, in ceramic glass, and in ...

demir tetracarbonil

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

Fe 3 (CO) 12 Dark-green lustrous crystals that break down at 140–50_C; soluble in organic solvents. Also known as tri-iron dodecacarbonyl.

potasyum perklorat

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

KClO 4 Explosive, oxidative, colorless crystals; soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; decomposes at 400_C; used in explosives, medicine, pyrotechnics, analysis, and as a reagent and oxidizing ...

titanik asit

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

H 2 TiO 3 A white, water-insoluble powder; used as a dyeing mordant. Also known as metatitanic acid; titanic hydroxide.

potasyum permanganat

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

KMnO 4 Highly oxidative, water-soluble, purple crystals with sweet taste; decomposes at 240_C; and explodes in contact with oxidizable materials; used as a disinfectant and analytical reagent, in ...

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