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Inorganic chemistry

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Inorganic chemistry

manganez oksit

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

MnO yeşil toz, asitler, suda çözünmeyen çözünür; 1650_C, erir; Tıp, yazdırma, bir katalizör Tekstil, seramik ve kuru piller kullanılır. Mangan monoksit olarak da bilinir; manganous ...

sodyum alüminat

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

Na 2 Al 2 O 4 A white powder soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; melts at 1800_C; used as a zeolite-type of material and a mordant, and in water purification, milkglass manufacture, and ...

zirkonyum fosfat

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

ZrO(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 _3H 2 O A toxic, dense white powder that is insoluble in water, soluble in acids and organic solvents; decomposes on heating; used as an analytical reagent, coagulant, and ...

bakır oksit

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

Cu 2 O An oxide of copper found in nature as cuprite and formed on copper by heat; used chiefly as a pigment and as a fungicide. Also known as copper oxide.

molibden pentaklorit

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

MoCl 5 Hygroscopic gray-black needles melting at 194_C; reacts with water and air; soluble in anhydrous organic solvents; used as a catalyst and as raw material to make molybdenum hexacarbonyl.

klorosülfonik asit

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

ClSO 2 OH A fuming liquid that decomposes in water to sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid; used in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and dyes, and as a chemical intermediate.

manganik florür

Kimya; İnorganik kimya

MnF 3 Poisonous red crystals, decomposed by heat and water; used as a fluorinating agent.

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