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General astronomy

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General astronomy


Astronomi; Genel astronomi

Total, integrated magnitude of a comet's head (meaning coma + nuclear condensation). This can be estimated visually, as the comet's "total visual magnitude". The variable m 1 is usually found in ...


Astronomi; Genel astronomi

The magnitude value measured (or predicted) for a comet's nuclear condensation. Note that the true comet nucleus is rarely, if ever, directly observed from the earth because of the large amount of ...


Astronomi; Genel astronomi

Belirgin yer değiştirme veya bir nesnenin nesne (itibaren dünya üzerinde iki farklı gözlemleyerek site) ile düz bir çizgi üzerinde iki farklı noktalardan görüldüğü gibi belirgin yönü arasındaki ...


Astronomi; Genel astronomi

In astronomy, the measurement of the light emitting from astronomical objects, generally in the visible or infrared bands, in which a specific or general wavelength band is normally specified.


Astronomi; Genel astronomi

Gökyüzü eşleştirmek için kullanılan koordinat sistemlerinde değişiklikler neden dünya'nın dönme ekseninin yavaş ama nispeten tek tip bir hareket. Dünya'nın dönüş ekseni her zaman aynı yönde ...


Astronomi; Genel astronomi

The angular distance from the observer's horizon, usually taken to be that horizon that is unobstructed by natural or artificial features (such as mountains or buildings), measured directly up from ...

astronomik birim (AU)

Astronomi; Genel astronomi

Approximately equal to the mean earth-sun distance, which is about 150,000,000 km or 93,000,000 miles. Formally, the AU is actually slightly less than the earth's mean distance from the sun ...

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