Contributors in Meyveler



Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

There are two main types of cherries: sweet and sour. The sweet varieties include Bing, Lambert, Tartarian, and Royal Ann (from which Maraschino cherries are made). The sour types include Early ...

dragon gözü

Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

A small, round fruit with a thin brown shell. Its flesh is soft, white, juicy, and surrounds one large black seed. Used as a snack, in oriental soups, desserts, and some sweet-and-sour dishes. Also ...


Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

Any of thousands of varieties of edible berries that grow in clusters. "Slip-skin" varieties have skins that slip off easily. Table grapes are eaten out-of-hand. Grapes used for wines are highly acid ...


Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

A yellow citrus fruit with a juicy flesh and a acidic juice. This simple fruit is a powerful flavoring agent that finds hundreds of uses in desserts, drinks, marinades, and drinks.


Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

Turşu veya chutneys yenmiş olgun veya kullanılan yeşil etli bir sarı-kırmızı tropikal meyve.


Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

Fuzzless bir şeftali, nektarin en eski meyve görecelidir. Eti çok sulu ve kırmızı, sarı veya beyaz. En iyi çiğ yenir.


Meyve ve sebzeler; Meyveler

Citrus fruit from the orange tree. There are three major types of oranges: Sweet (Valencia, Mediterranean, and Navel), Loose-skinned (Mandarin, King), and Bitter (Seville, Bergamot). Bitter oranges ...

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