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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

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Nantes fermanı

Din; Hristiyanlık

IV. Henry Nantes adlı Fransız din savaşları sona erdikten sonra 13 Nisan 1598 imzalanan ferman. Bu Huguenots (Fransızca Kalvinistler) geniş hakkı. Ferman Louis XIV n Fontainebleau ferman tarafından ...


Din; Hristiyanlık

(Lat. Pater, "father") Branch of Christian theology and history concerned with the church "fathers" (patres), usually understood to refer to the period from the later first century to the mid-fifth ...


Din; Hristiyanlık

17th-century movement emphasizing complete passivity and the "prayer of quiet" before God. The ideal is to abandon all desires, even for virtue, love of Christ, or salvation, as well as all outward ...

skolastik felsefe

Din; Hristiyanlık

(Latin scholastici, "schoolmen"). "The medieval movement, flourishing in the period 1200-1500, which placed emphasis upon the rational justification of religious belief and the systematic ...


Din; Hristiyanlık

Yarım silindirik bir ara yarımküresel tonoz veya yarım kubbe ile örtülü


Din; Hristiyanlık

Kilisenin ana sunak gelen ucunda nave sonunda yer alan giriş veya lobi alanı.

aşk tanrısı...ve bağışlama

Din; Hristiyanlık

İsa'nın Tanrı'nın sevgi ve bağışlama affetti '' zina.. taahhüt kadın '' ve onun önünde ceza getirdi Yahudiler dedi..''Bir kim...sinles, önce onu cezalandırmak!

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Christian Miracles

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Paintings by Hieronymus Bosch

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