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Buddhism is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is commonly known as the Buddha.
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Din; Budizm
(Sanskritçe: Bava çakra) Tibet Budizmi özellikle, hayat çarkı bir semboldür yeraltı tanrısı Yama tarafından düzenlenen üç konsantrik çevrelerinde oluşan. Samsara anlamına gelir. En iç daire acı üç ...
Dört Soylu Gerçek
Din; Budizm
The most basic statement of Buddhist belief: # Fact of suffering - suffering is a necessary attribute of sentient existence # Cause of Suffering - Cause of suffering is caused by passions # Effect ...
Din; Budizm
Complete elimination of all negative aspects of the mind and perfection of all positive qualities.
Zen Budizmi
Din; Budizm
A branch of Mahayana Buddhism which was brought to China (where it was called Chan) in 520 CE by Bodhidarma and arrived in Japan in the twelfth century. It is probably the most common form of ...
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