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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Din > Katolik kilisesi


Din; Katolik kilisesi

The Old Testament title for God that in speaking or reading aloud was always substituted for the name that was revealed to Moses and that was too holy to be pronounced: Yahweh. ...


Din; Katolik kilisesi

The official church of the bishop of a diocese. The Greek word cathedra means chair or throne; the bishop's "chair" symbolizes his teaching and governing authority, and is located ...


Din; Katolik kilisesi

The opposite or absence of good. One form of evil, physical evil, is a result of the "state of journeying" toward its ultimate perfection in which God created the world, involving ...

Çok eşlilik; Poligami

Din; Katolik kilisesi

The practice of having more than one wife at the same time, which is contrary to the unity of marriage between one man and one woman, and which offends against the dignity of ...


Din; Katolik kilisesi

The personal name of the God of Israel, revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai, meaning "I am who I am" (205).

Ebedi ceza

Din; Katolik kilisesi

Unrepented ölümcül günah, Tanrı ile cemaat sonsuza kadar günahkâr ayıran ceza; (1035) cehenneme pişmanlık duymayan günahkar kınama.

Düşüş; günahla masumiyetin yitirilişi

Din; Katolik kilisesi

(1) Biblical revelation about the reality of sin in human history. The Biblical story begins with the original sin freely committed by the first human beings. This primeval event ...