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Pertaining to the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community.
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Ekonomi > Ekonomi
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
Ahşap kaplama; yanıt vermek için yavaş. Geleneksel olarak, econo¬mists yüksek işsizlik ¬cyclical bir fenomen olduğuna inanıyordu. Sonunda işsizlik onların ücret de¬mands düşürmek ...
ipotek etme
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
Earmarking taxes for a specific purpose. It may be a clever way to get around public hostility to paying more in taxation. If people are told that a specific share of their income ...
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
Very, very bad. Although people debate when, precisely, very rapid inflation turns into ¬hyper-inflation (a 100% or more increase in prices a year, perhaps?) nobody questions that ...
insani gelişme endeksi
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
The “good life” guide. Calculated since 1990 by the United Nations Development Program, the Human Development Index quantifies a country’s development in terms of such things as ...
beşeri sermaye
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
The stuff that enables people to earn a living. Human capital can be increased by investing in education, training and health care. Economists increasingly argue that the ...
konut fiyatları
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
Onlar bu tavan ne zaman genellikle bir ekonomi ısınıyorsa bir uyarı işareti var. Konut fiyatları genellikle faiz indirimleri, ipotek ödemeleri azaltmak ve böylece alıcı yeteneği ...
sıcak para
Ekonomi; Ekonomi
Money that is held in one currency but is liable to switch to another currency at a moment’s notice in search of the highest available returns, thereby causing the first ...
- Ecommerce (149)
- Ekonomi (60867)
- Ekonomik standardizasyon (81)
- Forex (918)
- International trade (7996)
- Uluslararası iktisat (35907)