Home > Terms > İspanyol, Latin Amerika (XL) > unidad
For the purposes of the Sustainable Landscape Information Series, a unit is a group of publications that concentrates on one topic area. There will be four units in the SULIS which are: Sustainable Landscape Design, Sustainable Landscape Implementation, Sustainable Plant Materials Selection, and Sustainable Landscape Maintenance. Each unit will build on the information presented in other units.
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Traje de baño diseñado para mujeres musulmanas, que cubre todo el cuerpo, exceptuando el rostro, las manos y los pies. A diferencia del traje de buzo, ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- Biyokimya(4818)
- Moleküler biyoloji(4701)
- Microbiology(1476)
- Ekoloji(1425)
- Toksikoloji(1415)
- Hücre biyolojisi(1236)
Biyoloji(22133) Terms
- Genel hukuk(5868)
- Mahkemeler(823)
- Patent ve marka(449)
- DNA forensics(434)
- Aile hukuku(220)
- Hukuki yardım (cezai)(82)
Hukuk hizmetleri(8095) Terms
- Gece kulübü terimleri(32)
- Bar terimleri(31)
Barlar ve gece kulüpleri(63) Terms
- Genel hukuk(5868)
- Sözleşmeler(640)
- Patent ve marka(449)
- Yasal(214)
- ABD yasaları(77)
- Avrupa hukuku(75)
Hukuk(7373) Terms
- Hukuki belgeler(5)
- Teknik yayınlar(1)
- Pazarlama belgeleri(1)