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A broadly influential philosophical and intellectual movement that began in Europe during the eighteenth century. The Enlightenment unleashed a tidal wave of new learning, especially in the sciences and mathematics, that helped promote the notion that human beings, through the use of their reason, could solve society's problems. The Enlightenment era, as such, has also been called the "Age of Reason. " Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were leading proponents of Enlightenment thinking in America.
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- Kategori Amerikan tarihi
- Company: University of Houston
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- Genetic disorders(1982)
- Managed care(1521)
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Sağlık hizmetleri(89875) Terms
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- Bilgisayar oyunları(126)
- Oyun aksesuarları(9)
Oyunlar(1301) Terms
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- Genetic engineering(2618)
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- Mavi biyoteknoloji(1)
Biyoteknoloji(7445) Terms
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- Mahkemeler(823)
- Patent ve marka(449)
- DNA forensics(434)
- Aile hukuku(220)
- Hukuki yardım (cezai)(82)