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плазмалық панелді дисплей (ППД)
A type of flat panel display (also known as a "gas discharge display") now commonly used for large TV displays (typically above 32"). Cells located between two panels of glass hold an inert mixture of noble gases (neon and xenon), which is electrically charged to ionize and form a plasma; as the gas ions rush to the electrodes and collide, photons are emitted.
- Cümlenin Öğesi: isim
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- Sözcük Blogu
- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Elektronik bileşenler
- Kategori LCD Paneller
- Company: Chimei Innolux
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Annual or biennial plant (Raphanus sativus) of the mustard family, probably of Oriental origin, grown for its large, succulent root. Low in calories ...
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