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РРСҚ (Революциялық Ресейдің Суретшілер Қауымдастығы)
The Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia, founded in Moscow in 1922, depicted everyday life among the working people of Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution in a realistic, documentary manner. Opposed to the non-realist innovations of the avant-garde, the association quickly became the most influential artistic group in Soviet Russia. In 1928 it was renamed the Association of Artists of the Revolution (AkhR) and in the following year established the journal Art of the Masses. Though abolished in 1932, the association was an influential precursor of Socialist Realism.
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Ash Wednesday is observed by Christians. Marking the first day of Lent, which lasts until Easter (a period of 46 days), it is the day of repentance. ...
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