Home > Sektör/Alan > Muhasebe


Includes the principles as well as the system of documenting and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results.

5Kategoriler Terms

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Contributors in Muhasebe

Muhasebe > Vergi

üretim maliyetleri

Muhasebe; Vergi

manufacturing costs, are costs of fabrication, manufacturing, cost of construction


Muhasebe; Vergi

Ortaklar veya projedeki ortak yaptığı venturers güvenli ek ödeme hakkı

ilave ödenmiş sermaye

Muhasebe; Vergi

Equity contributions to a corporation in excess of the amount of capital stock.

piyasa değeri fıkrası

Muhasebe; Vergi

A clause in an insurance policy that allows for the settlement of a claim based on the market value rather than the actual cash value

varlık faaliyet oranları

Muhasebe; Vergi

Rations used to determine how effectively the business is managing the assets Examples include inventory turnover and receivables turnover

malzeme katılımı

Muhasebe; Vergi

Düzenli, önemli ve sürekli bir iş parçası üzerinde her iki mükellef ve/veya eş sağlar kayıp ticaret ya da businesse karşı sıradan gelir mahsup edilebilir katılımı S kurumlar, ...

varlığa dayalı menkul kıymet

Muhasebe; Vergi

A security collateralized by assets such as receivables, inventory, installment contracts, loans (in the case of a lender), etc
