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անթերի մրցակցություն
The most competitive market imaginable. Perfect competition is rare and may not even exist. It is so competitive that any individual buyer or seller has a negligible impact on the market price. Products are homogeneous. Information is perfect. Everybody is a price taker. Firms earn only normal profit, the bare minimum profit necessary to keep them in business. If firms earn more than that (excess profits) the absence of barriers to entry means that other firms will enter the market and drive the price level down until there are only normal profits to be made. Output will be maximized and price minimized. Contrast with monopolistic competition, oligopoly and, above all, monopoly.
- Cümlenin Öğesi: isim
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- Sözcük Blogu
- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Ekonomi
- Kategori Ekonomi
- Company: The Economist
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Browers Terms By Category
- Genel mimari(562)
- Köprüler(147)
- Castles(114)
- Peyzaj tasarımı(94)
- Modern mimari(73)
- Gökdelenler(32)
Mimari(1050) Terms
- Kültürel antropoloji(1621)
- Fiziksel antropoloji(599)
- Mitoloji(231)
- Uygulamalı antropoloji(11)
- Arkeoloji(6)
- Etnoloji(2)
Antropoloji(2472) Terms
- Biyokimya(4818)
- Genetic engineering(2618)
- Biyomedikal(4)
- Yeşil biyoteknoloji(4)
- Mavi biyoteknoloji(1)
Biyoteknoloji(7445) Terms
- Ev sinema sistemi(386)
- Televizyon(289)
- Amplifikatör(190)
- Dijital fotoğraf makinesi(164)
- Dijital fotoğraf çerçevesi(27)
- Radyo(7)
Tüketici elektroniği(1079) Terms
- Yazarlar(2488)
- Sporcular(853)
- Politikacılar(816)
- Comedians(274)
- Şahsiyetler(267)
- Papalar(204)