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մենաշնորհային մրցակցություն
Somewhere between perfect competition and monopoly, also known as imperfect competition. It describes many real-world markets. Perfectly competitive markets are extremely rare, and few firms enjoy a pure monopoly; oligopoly is more common. In monopolistic competition, there are fewer firms than in a perfectly competitive market and each can differentiate its products from the rest somewhat, perhaps by advertising or through small differences in design. These small differences form barriers to entry. As a result, firms can earn some excess profits, although not as much as a pure monopoly, without a new entrant being able to reduce prices through competition. Prices are higher and output lower than under perfect competition.
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- Sektör/Rtki Alanı Ekonomi
- Kategori Ekonomi
- Company: The Economist
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- Artefaktlar(8)
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- Grafik tasarım(194)
- Peyzaj tasarımı(94)
- Endüstriyel tasarım(20)
- Uygulama tasarımı(17)