Home > Terms > Hırvatistan (HR) > obrazovanje na daljinu
obrazovanje na daljinu
Any format of education provided to students who do not need to be physically present at an institution; previously materials were sent to students but now materials are provided via computer conferencing, video, Internet, and other electronic means.
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Eğitim(6837) Terms
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- Emtia borsası(874)
- Özel sermaye(515)
- Muhasebe(421)
- Gayrimenkul yatırımı(192)
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- Toksikoloji(1415)
- Genel kimya(1367)
- İnorganik kimya(1014)
- Atmosfer kimyası(558)
- Analitik kimya(530)
Kimya(8305) Terms
- Cilt bakımı(179)
- Estetik ameliyat(114)
- Hair style(61)
- Meme implantı(58)
- Cosmetic products(5)
Güzellik(417) Terms
- Önleme ve koruma(6450)
- Fire fighting(286)