Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Number of terms: 14663
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics ...
1/1000 di una strega di Ampere è l'unità di elettrico corrente (carica elettrica al secondo)
Industry:Medical devices
Multileaf collimator = collimator consting of movable tungsten plates arranged side by side. The thickness at isocenter varies from 2. 5 to 10mm depending on the type os MLC.
Industry:Medical devices
Sottonodo modulatore o controller; uno dei cinque nodi secondari sulla scheda del controllore BGM.
Industry:Medical devices
Un dispositivo che consente di visualizzare segnali sullo schermo del computer.
Industry:Medical devices
Una striscia orizzontale sul fronte dell'elettronica console mobile appena sopra il vano del computer, che comprende una fila di prese di prova che consentono all'utente di osservare le forme d'onda per alcuni parametri di processo Clinac su un oscilloscopio.
Industry:Medical devices
Regole per evitare la collisione tra la Clinac con sé in determinate configurazioni di macchina.
Industry:Medical devices
A collimator comprising a number of elements (leaves) that can be independently moved to produce radiation beams having complex shapes. For example, Varian's MLC has 52 motorized leaves, each 1 cm wide at isocenter, with 16 cm of overcenter travel. See al Two banks of 60 leaves each, aligned along the X axis (with the lower jaws). Each leaf can move independently in the X direction, to crate a column that shape the beam from precise treatment. Each bank resides on a carriage that also can move in the X direction.
Industry:Medical devices
انظر معايرة الجرعة العملية لضبط نظام HET إلى إطار مرجع إحداثي المرجوة، بمحور المعايرة أو نظام المعايرة. تتم الكتابة فوق البيانات المعايرة ابدأ ما لم يتم إكمال العملية. مستخدم مخول، عادة خدمة أو فني التصنيع، ينفذ عملية المعايرة حسب الحاجة.
Industry:Medical devices
بروتوكول يستخدم في العلاج التي تخطط لإجراء تحديد مسبق جميع المعلمات ذات الصلة لوضع خطة وفقا لبروتوكول معين.
Industry:Medical devices
الشركة المصنعة لنظام الأمن منفذ متوازي أو دونغل هو استخدامها حصرا من قبل منظمات المجتمع المدني نظم رصد السفن لتأمين خدمة الوثائق والأدوات.
Industry:Medical devices