Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Number of terms: 14663
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics ...
The scatter experienced in getting a positioning device to repeat the same intended position multiple times. Error contributors may include mechanical tolerances, gravity deflection, backlash, electrical noise, electrical losses, control system dead-band, and calibration errors. The value is defined as a 3-sigma value. Interchangeable with repeatability.
Industry:Medical devices
General Please not different translation of "source" in brachytherapy.
Industry:Medical devices
If in accelerator-context, this should be Target-Image Distance.
Industry:Medical devices
Indicates that Clinac has finished its field, either by treating the total MU dose or stopping when the backup time is exceeded.
Industry:Medical devices
A standard (Ethernet-based nonreal-time) interface for the Varian workstation (HET or 4DTC) to communicate with third-party devices such as gating, QA devices, and so on, for the exchange of patient data and machine status (such as gantry, couch, and jaw positions) from the Varian workstation to the third-party device; and requests from the third-party device, such as to change the couch position.
Industry:Medical devices
Treatment by electrons accelerated to high energies in a linear accelerator. Primarily used for lesions situated at or near the surface.
Industry:Medical devices
A safety loop that must be continuously closed before any axis motion can be initiated or any beam initiated, and that disables motion and the beam when open. See also safety loop.
Industry:Medical devices
Nerede o çağrı hasta numarası kullanır.
Industry:Medical devices
Aynı tekrarlamak için konumlandırma bir aygıtı almakla deneyimli dağılım, birden çok kez pozisyon amaçlı. Hata katkıda bulunan mekanik toleransları, yerçekimi saptırma, tepki, elektriksel gürültü, elektrik kayıp, denetim sistemi ölü-band ve Kalibrasyon hataları içerebilir. Değer 3-sigma değeri olarak tanımlanır. Tekrarlanabilirliği ile değiştirilebilir.
Industry:Medical devices
General Please not different translation of "source" in brachytherapy.
Industry:Medical devices