United States Bureau of Mines
Sektör: Mining
Number of terms: 33118
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) was the primary United States Government agency conducting scientific research and disseminating information on the extraction, processing, use, and conservation of mineral resources. Founded on May 16, 1910, through the Organic Act (Public Law 179), USBM's missions ...
A low, heavy, haulage engine, designed for underground operation; usually propelled by electricity, gasoline, or compressed air.
A low-angle gravity (normal) fault resulting from stretching of the solidified top of an igneous intrusion.
A low-angle reverse fault resulting from the sliding of the footwall beneath a relatively passive hanging wall. Compare: overthrust
A low-angle thrust fault of large scale, with displacement generally measured in kilometers. Compare: underthrust
A low-carbon steel containing sufficient iron oxide to give a continuous evolution of carbon monoxide while the ingot is solidifying, resulting in a case or rim of metal virtually free of voids. Sheet and strip products made from the ingot have very good surface quality.
A low-density nitroglycerin powder type of equivalent sheathed explosive.
A low-grade ore.
A low-grade producer gas, made by the partial combustion of the coke used in the furnace and modified by the partial reduction of iron ore. The gas contains more carbon dioxide and less hydrogen than normal producer gas made from coke and has a lower calorific value.
A lubricant for enclosed gear units; composed of high-quality mineral oil with a suspension of superfine colloidal graphite and silicone foam inhibitor.
A lung disease caused by breathing asbestos dust.