United States Environmental Protection Agency
Sektör: Government
Number of terms: 11955
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a federal agency responsible for the development and enforcement of regulations for human health and environment protection. The agency researches and sets standards for environmental programs and delegates. It was founded in 1970 following the proposal ...
A legal document, approved by a judge, that formalizes an agreement reached between EPA and potentially responsible parties (PRPs) through which PRPs will conduct all or part of a cleanup action at a Superfund site; cease or correct actions or processes that are polluting the environment; or otherwise comply with EPA initiated regulatory enforcement actions to resolve the contamination at the Superfund site involved. The consent decree describes the actions PRPs will take and may be subject to a public comment period.
Industry:Agricultural chemicals
EPA とはスーパーファンド ・ サイト; でクリーンアップ操作のすべてまたは一部に実施 PRPs 潜在的責任当事者 (Prp) の間の合意を形式化する裁判官によって承認された法的文書停止または行動や環境を汚染しているプロセスを修正またはそうでなければ関与スーパーファンド ・ サイトで汚染を解決するために開始した EPA 規制の施行操作に準拠します。同意判決は Prp がかかり、パブリック コメント期間を設ける場合がありますアクションについて説明します。
Industry:Agricultural chemicals
Un document legal, aprobat de către un judecător, care formalizeaza un acord încheiat între părţi la APE şi responsabilă, eventual, (PRPs) prin care PRPs va desfăşura toate sau o parte a unei acţiuni de curăţare pe un site Superfund, încetează sau acţiuni corecte sau procese care sunt poluante mediu; sau în alt mod în conformitate cu EPA iniţiat acţiuni de reglementare de aplicare pentru a rezolva contaminarea pe site-ul Superfund implicate. Decret descrie acţiunile PRPs va lua şi poate fi supusă la o perioadă de comentarii publice.
Industry:Agricultural chemicals
The process in a cow where physical stimulation causes a release of oxytocin and the contraction of smooth muscles surrounding milk alveoli resulting in fluid pressure within the udder and milk flow.
Le processus dans un où la stimulation physique provoque une libération d'ocytocine et de la contraction des muscles lisses qui entourent les alvéoles de lait résultant de pression du fluide dans le flux de la mamelle et de lait de vache.
Der Prozess in eine Kuh, in denen körperliche Stimulation bewirkt eine Freisetzung von Oxytocin und die Kontraktion der glatten Muskulatur um Milch Alveolen, wodurch Flüssigkeit Druck innerhalb des Flusses Euter und Milch.
Il processo in una mucca dove stimolazione fisica provoca un rilascio di ossitocina e la contrazione dei muscoli lisci che circonda gli alveoli latte con conseguente pressione del fluido all'interno del flusso delle mammelle e latte.
El proceso en una vaca donde estimulación física provoca una liberación de oxitocina y la contracción de los músculos lisos que rodean los alvéolos leche resultante en la presión del fluido dentro del flujo de la ubre y la leche.