U.S. Department of Defence
Sektör: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Support provided by US Federal military forces, Department of Defense civilians, Department of Defense contract personnel, Department of Defense component assets, and National Guard forces (when the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the governors of the affected states, elects and requests to use those forces in Title 32, United States Code, status) in response to requests for assistance from civil authorities for domestic emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic activities, or from qualifying entities for special events.
In radar, measurement of pulse transmission time in microseconds; that is, the time the radar’s transmitter is energized during each cycle.
Supplies that are consumed in use, such as ammunition, paint, fuel, cleaning and preserving materials, surgical dressings, drugs, medicines, etc. , or that lose their identity, such as spare parts, etc.
Support in which maintenance operations for a particular military system are performed exclusively by contract support personnel.
Structures assembled from manufactured components designed to provide specific building configurations (e.g., large steel arch structures, large span tension fabric structures, panelized buildings, and pre-engineered buildings).
Supplies not consumed in use that retain their original identity during the period of use, such as weapons, machines, tools, and equipment.
Status of all Reserves except those on an inactive status list or in the Retired Reserve. Reservists in an active status may train for points and/or pay and may be considered for promotion.
Status of reserve members on an inactive status list of a Reserve Component or assigned to the Inactive Army National Guard. Those in an inactive status may not train for points or pay, and may not be considered for promotion.
Stocks of materiel amassed in peacetime to meet the increase in military requirements consequent upon an outbreak of war. War reserves are intended to provide the interim support essential to sustain operations until resupply can be effected.
Standing, long-term external support contacts designed to augment Service logistic capabilities with contracted support in both preplanned and short notice contingencies. Examples include US Army Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, Air Force Contract Augmentation Program, and US Navy Global Contingency Capabilities Contracts.