U.S. Department of Defence
Sektör: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Presidential authority under Title 10, United States Code, Section 12305 to suspend laws relating to promotion, retirement, or separation of any member of the Armed Forces determined essential to the national security of the United States (“laws relating to promotion” broadly includes, among others, grade tables, current general or flag officer authorizations, and E8 and 9 limits). This authority may be exercised by the President only if reservists are serving on active duty under Title 10, United States Code authorities for Presidential Reserve Call-up, partial mobilization, or full mobilization.
Pre-positioning of ships, preloaded with equipment and supplies (including ammunition and petroleum) that provides for an alternative to land-based programs. This concept provides for ships and onboard force support equipment and supplies positioned near potential crisis areas that can be delivered rapidly to joint airlifted forces in the operational area. Afloat pre-positioning in forward areas enhances a force’s capability to respond to a crisis, resulting in faster reaction time.
Precise and continuous position-finding of targets by radar, optical, or other means.
Preapproved directives issued to guide United States forces on the use of force during various operations. These directives may take the form of execute orders, deployment orders, memoranda of agreement, or plans.
Power projection in and from the maritime environment, including a broad spectrum of offensive military operations to destroy enemy forces or logistic support or to prevent enemy forces from approaching within enemy weapons’ range of friendly forces. Maritime power projection may be accomplished by amphibious assault operations, attack of targets ashore, or support of sea control operations.
Positions designated as joint duty assignments are reflected in a list approved by the Secretary of Defense and maintained by the Joint Staff. The Joint Duty Assignment List is reflected in the Joint Duty Assignment Management Information System.
Portable, open-topped, open-sided units that fit into existing below-deck container cell guides and provide a capability for container ships to carry oversized cargo and wheeled and tracked vehicles.
Policy guidance issued by the Commandant, US Coast Guard, on the use of force and weapons.
Poisonous substances that may be produced naturally (by bacteria, plants, fungi, snakes, insects, and other living organisms) or synthetically.
Point-to-point land transportation service operated by a single Service for common use by two or more Services.