U.S. Department of Defence
Sektör: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A real property entity consisting of one or more of the following: a building, a structure, a utility system, pavement, and underlying land.
A rapid deployment and assembly of a Marine expeditionary force in a secure area using a combination of intertheater airlift and forward-deployed maritime pre-positioning ships.
A range of military force responses that can be projected to accomplish assigned tasks. Options include one or a combination of the following: civic action, humanitarian assistance, civil affairs, and other military activities to develop positive relationships with other countries; confidence building and other measures to reduce military tensions; military presence; activities to convey threats to adversaries as well as truth projections; military deceptions and military information support operations; quarantines, blockades, and harassment operations; raids; intervention operations; armed conflict involving air, land, maritime, and strategic warfare operations; support for law enforcement authorities to counter international criminal activities (terrorism, narcotics trafficking, slavery, and piracy); support for law enforcement authorities to suppress domestic rebellion; and support for insurgency, counterinsurgency, and civil war in foreign countries.
A radioactive source placed to cause injury or death.
A radar system that makes use of the atmospheric reflection and refraction phenomena to extend its range of detection beyond line of sight. Over-the-horizon radars may be either forward scatter or back scatter systems.
A quantity of homogeneous ammunition, identified by a unique lot number, which is manufactured, assembled, or renovated by one producer under uniform conditions and which is expected to function in a uniform manner.
A quality that applies to materiel or systems: a. Possessing like and interchangeable characteristics enabling each to be utilized, or operated and maintained, by personnel trained on the others without additional specialized training; b. Having interchangeable repair parts and/or components; and c. Applying to consumable items interchangeably equivalent without adjustment.
A quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission.
A qualified (certified) Service member who, from a forward position, directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support and other offensive air operations. A qualified and current joint terminal attack controller will be recognized across the Department of Defense as capable and authorized to perform terminal attack control.
A quadruple container box 57. 5inches x 96inches x 96inches with a metal frame, pallet base, and International Organization for Standardization corner fittings. Four of these boxes can be lashed together to form a 20-foot American National Standards Institute or International Organization for Standardization intermodal container.