Texas A&M University
Sektör: Education
Number of terms: 34386
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1876, Texas A&M University is a U.S. public and comprehensive university offering a wide variety of academic programs far beyond its original label of agricultural and mechanical trainings. It is one of the few institutions holding triple federal designations as a land-, sea- and ...
The process by which some of a stream of radiation is dispersed to travel in directions other than that which from it was incident by particles suspended in the medium through which it is travelling.
Industry:Earth science
The process by which the ocean maintains a vertical gradient in DIC (CO2 plus bicarbonate and carbonate ions) – such that DIC is concentrated in the deep ocean – as a result of gas exchange. Surface water at equilibrium with a given CO2 concentration will increase its DIC concentration (uptake CO2) when the water temperature decreases since the solubility and dissociation of CO2 increase in cold water. The regions of deep water formation are located in high latitudes so the deep ocean is filled with cold water with relatively high DIC concentration. It is estimate that about 50% of the vertical DIC gradient can be accounted for by this process.
Industry:Earth science
The process in plants by which carbon dioxide is converted into organic compounds using the energy of light absorbed by chlorophyll, which in all plants except some bacteria involves the production of oxygen from water.
Industry:Earth science
The processes that involve the transfer of energy, matter, and momentum between the atmosphere and the ocean. The is one of the least well understood areas of physical oceanography, with the theory inadequate and the data sparse. Specific areas with glaring gaps include the interaction of the wind and surface waves, the parameterization of subgrid scale processes in large–scale circulation models, and the transfer of gases across the air–sea interfaces.
Industry:Earth science
The property requiring that certain statistical properties of a stochastic process be invariant with respect to time. As some have noted, the strict satisfaction of this requirement is impossible if one lends creedence to the Big Bang theory of universal origin, although inroads can be made towards satisfaction on less strict and more pragmatic grounds.
Industry:Earth science
The purposes of which are to promote the interests of limnology, oceanography and related sciences, to foster the exchange of information across the range of aquatic science, and to further investigations dealing with these subjects. ASLO originated with the Limnological Society of America (LSA), which was established in 1936 to furhter interest and research in limnological science. In 1948 LSA merged with the Oceanographic Society of the Pacific to become ASLO, and currently has over 3800 memebers from 50 countries.
Industry:Earth science
The radiation energy per unit time coming from a specific direction and passing through a unit area perpendicular to the direction.
Industry:Earth science
The range of climate variations that would theoretically exist in the absence of anthropogenic forcing. Information on this hypothesized spectrum of climate variability can be derived from instrumental data, paleoclimatic reconstructions, and numerical model results.
Industry:Earth science
The rate at which carbon from the atmosphere (as CO2) is accumulated in the biosphere. It is equal to the NPP minus heterotrophic respiration.
Industry:Earth science
The rate at which radiation is emitted from a unit area.
Industry:Earth science