Texas A&M University
Sektör: Education
Number of terms: 34386
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1876, Texas A&M University is a U.S. public and comprehensive university offering a wide variety of academic programs far beyond its original label of agricultural and mechanical trainings. It is one of the few institutions holding triple federal designations as a land-, sea- and ...
from the Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI) of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in Sevastopol and the
Industry:Earth science
Generally a three-dimensional time-dependent model of the atmosphere and/or ocean circulation. The solution to a set of mathematical equations governing the motions of a layer of fluid on a spherical planet is numerically approximated on a three-dimensional discrete grid of points to obtain temperatures, velocities, rainfall, pressure and any of several other dependent variables that collectively comprise the state of the climate. Often abbreviated as GCM.
Industry:Earth science
Generally the part of the Earth’s surface between the tropics and the temperate regions, or between about 40° N and S.
Industry:Earth science
Geophysical parameter data, measured or collected by means other than by the instrument itself, used as correlative or calibration data for that instrument data, including data taken on the ground or in the atmosphere. Ground truth data are another measurement of the phenomenon of interest; they are not necessarily more ”true” or more accurate than the instrument data.
Industry:Earth science
GEWEX was initiated in 1988 by the WCRP as a program designed to observe and model the hydrologic cycle and energy fluxes in the atmosphere, at the land surface, and in the upper oceans. The International GEWEX Project Office (IGPO) is the focal point for the planning and development of all GEWEX projects and activities.
Industry:Earth science
Greenland–Iceland–Norwegian Sea Experiment, an experiment which took place during Sept.–Oct. 1989 at the Norwegian shelf edge near 68° N and comprised seven moorings, five in a closely spaced cross–slope section.
Industry:Earth science
Halide Out Experiment, a Antarctic CRC experiment to study the Antarctic pack ice during winter. The project aims include: (1) providing a quantitative assessment of the mass budget and Antarctic winter sea ice and to relate this to the rate of water mass modification; (2) providing a quantitative estimate of the surface energy exchanges in the winter Antarctic sea ice zone and, in conjunction with FORMEX, to relate surface vertical energy exchange to the ocean heat budget and advection; and (3) describing the processes by which new ice deforms and thickens and the atmospheric and ocean forcing which determine these processes.
Industry:Earth science
Head of the Swedish Deep Sea Expedition and son of Otto Pettersson.
Industry:Earth science
Hydrologic, and oceanographic studies. It can image the Earth through cloud cover and its sensitivity to surface roughness, soil moisture, and sea-ice-water contrast makes it useful in studies of geological features, canopy morphology, sea-ice dynamics, and ocean surface temperature.
Industry:Earth science
If relative motion is created in a rotating container by heating or by stirring and if an obstacle is placed on the bottom of the tank so that the moving fluid must flow around it, then the streamlines of the flow will form a column, going around the obstacle as if it extended to the top of the water. This is called a Taylor column. The same sort of phenomena can occur in real world analogues of this experimental example. This is a consequence of what is known as the Taylor-Proudman theorem.
Industry:Earth science