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Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks. It was founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library. Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of public domain books. The ...
A French soldier and diplomatist, born at Paris; was aide-de-camp to Napoleon, and for distinguished services in the Peninsular war and at Leipzig was made a general and count; fought at Waterloo, and two years later married Margaret Elphinston, who by inheritance became Baroness Keith; he was ambassador at the Courts of Venice (1841-48) and at London (1860) (1785-1870).
A French town in the dep. of Calvados, 22 m. SW. of Caen; the birthplace of William the Conqueror.
A French town on the Marne, 20 m. NW. of Chalons; the chief emporium of the champagne district.
A French writer, unhappily married in her youth; became notorious for her illicit intimacy with Rousseau and Grimm; her "Mémoires et Correspondence" give a lively picture of her times (1725-1783).
A friar of Seville, in Rabelais' "Pantagruel," notorious for his irreverence in the discharge of his religious duties and for his lewd, lusty ways.
A fruit-bearing island among the Azores, exports wine and fruits; Horta, with an excellent bay, is its chief town.
A Genoese of illustrious family who conspired against Andrea Doria, but whose plot was frustrated on the eve of its fulfilment by his falling into the sea and being drowned as he stept full-armed from one of his ships into another (1523-1547).
En gammal stad på slitage, med en ädel katedral och ett slott, en gång hemvist för biskopen, nu ett universitet säte, i hjärtat av ett län med samma namn (1,106), som är rikt på kol-fält, och med många upptagen tillverkning städer.
En well-built stad i Rheinisches Preussen, på den högra banken på Rhen Det är en plats för tillverkar och har ett fint bildgalleri med en berömda school of art hör.
A German architect, born at Steinbach, Baden; the builder of the western facade of the cathedral of Strasburg (1240-1318).