Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Sektör: Financial services
Number of terms: 10107
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The industry in which the company does the largest part of its business.
Industry:Financial services
This figure represents the percentage that your initial investment in this security has declined in value.
Industry:Financial services
Fund limits assets to those securities that are exempt from taxation in Louisiana, (double tax-exempt) or city, (triple tax-exempt).
Industry:Financial services
The market in which securities underwriters sell newly issued securities to investors. In primary markets, proceeds from the sales go to the issuer of the securities.
Industry:Financial services
The lowest trading price of a security or option during the current trading session. When the market is closed, this number indicates the lowest price for the entire most-recent trading session.
Industry:Financial services
Newly issued shares in an offering where the proceeds go to the issuing company. Unlike secondary shares, primary shares are not considered part of the total shares outstanding prior to the offering and have never previously traded.
Industry:Financial services
Designed to provide security to the bond holder by ensuring that the mortgaged property would be maintained in good operating condition and that the old plants would be replaced.
Industry:Financial services
The interest rate that banks charge their best corporate customers.
Industry:Financial services
A Maintenance Call will originate when the Merrill Lynch Maintenance Requirement exceeds the equity in a margin account.
Industry:Financial services
The basic amount invested or borrowed, not including any interest or dividends. For bonds: The face or par value of a bond. The principal amount of a trade is the par value of one bond times the number of bonds involved in the trade. For MMS: This category contains a return payment of an original investment in a debt product. Examples are principal payments from an amortised security such as a FNMA pools and bond partial calls, full calls and redemptions.
Industry:Financial services