Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Sektör: Financial services
Number of terms: 10107
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Identifies if an account is a cash account, margin account, or Flexible Credit account.
Industry:Financial services
Prior to Rating Change, an Issuer is placed on Credit Watch.
Industry:Financial services
A provision requiring that unpaid accumulated preferred stock dividends must be paid before any common stock dividends are.
Industry:Financial services
Estimated market value of your shares minus your Total Client Investment. Cumulative Gain/Loss is the capital appreciation (depreciation) of all shares, including shares purchased through reinvestment, since their date of purchase in this account. This figure does not include any sales charges or fees you may have already paid or any sales charges, fees or taxes you may be required to pay upon the sale of your shares.
Industry:Financial services
Preferred stock on which dividends accrue in the event that the issuer does not make timely dividend payments. Most preferred stock is cumulative preferred.
Industry:Financial services
The increase or decrease in a fund's net asset value from the beginning of a time period until the end of that time period, including dividends or interest payments and capital gains or losses, but excluding sales charges or loads, redemption fees and taxes. Cumulative Total Return is expressed as a percentage and is computed by dividing the change in the fund's net asset value over the specified time period by the fund's net asset value at the beginning of the time period.
Industry:Financial services
A voting system that gives minority shareholders more power, by allowing them to cast all of their board of director votes for a single candidate, as opposed to regular or statutory voting, in which shareholders must vote for a different candidate for each available seat. see also common-law voting, proportional representation.
Industry:Financial services
Changes in the value of foreign currency compared with the U.S. dollar. This is one of the risks of international investing.
Industry:Financial services
Most recent cumulative annual distribution from dividend income, capital gains and/or return of capital.
Industry:Financial services
Represents the current date on which the issuer may redeem part or all of the security, prior to maturity.
Industry:Financial services