Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Sektör: Financial services
Number of terms: 10107
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Invierte al menos el 65% de los activos del fondo en valores emitidos o garantizados por el gobierno de Estados Unidos, sus agencias o sus instrumentalidades, con vencimientos promedio ponderado dólar de cinco a diez años.
Industry:Financial services
Invierte al menos el 65% de los activos en facturas, notas y bonos del tesoro de Estados Unidos con dólar ponderado promedio vencimientos de cinco a diez años.
Industry:Financial services
Para una IRA, esto es la cantidad de fondos aportados para el presente año.
Industry:Financial services
Individual Retirement Rollover Accounts (IRRA) are IRAs, which were designed to provide clients with a vehicle to postpone tax payments on distributions from employer-sponsored-like retirement accounts. They are frequently referred to as "holding tanks" or "conduit IRAs" because they maintain the tax-deferred status of assets so that they can be redeposited into another like retirement plan in the future. Direct Rollover: A direct rollover is the movement of assets between two "like" retirement plan accounts or to an IRA. The direct rollover was designed to assist participants in rolling over assets from one retirement plan to another without having to pay the penalty or withholding taxes levied by the IRS. Eligibility: Like an IRA, individuals who wish to open an IRRA should follow IRA eligibility guidelines. Clients should understand the intent of an IRRA is to hold funds from a prior retirement plan and eventually return the funds to a qualified plan. Contribution Guidelines: Assets for the initial deposit into IRRAs must come from pre-existing retirement accounts, including conduit IRAs and employer-sponsored plans. Clients typically open IRRAs to "store" their money while deciding where to invest it permanently. Example: Jane V. Doe was employed by XYZ and participated in the company sponsored retirement plan. Jane and her family decide to relocate and Jane must leave her job. She cannot leave her account with XYZ because she is no longer an employee. Jane decides that until she can find a new employer, she wants to protect her retirement assets and avoid paying taxes on those funds. She instructs XYZ to move her assets into an IRRA. Jane can keep her money in the IRRA indefinitely while she looks for another employer. Once an IRRA is established, the client can make contributions to it, however, contributions will destroy the conduit nature of the IRRA and the client will lose the ability to roll the IRRA into an employer-sponsored plan. These clients may also rollover or transfer from other "like" retirement plans. IRRAs are typically opened with assets from qualified plans and any future deposits must also be of like qualified plan money. Distribution Guidelines: The distribution guidelines for an IRRA are the same as for an IRA. Clients cannot take a distribution from the IRRA before age 59 ½ without paying a 10% penalty tax unless due to one of the following exceptions: death, disability, qualified higher education expenses, qualified acquisition cost of a first home, or annuitizing the account. IRRA accountholders can, however, transfer or rollover the entire account into another "like" qualified retirement account at any time. Mandatory distributions are the same for an IRRA as for an IRA. At age 70 ½, if the client still maintains an IRRA, he or she must begin to take regular mandatory distributions or pay penalty taxes.
Industry:Financial services
Medidas devuelve la volatilidad de un fondo histórica. Cuando un fondo tiene una desviación estándar alta, su rango de funcionamiento ha sido muy amplia, indicando mayor potencial de volatilidad. Un fondo más volátil tendrá una mayor diferencia entre su regreso histórico más alto y su regreso histórico más bajo. Los fondos más volátiles pueden ser las inversiones más arriesgadas.
Industry:Financial services
Tipo de Comercio (compra/venta) que un inversionista ha concertado.
Industry:Financial services
El retiro gradual de la edición original en fechas especificadas (generalmente las fechas de cupón).
Industry:Financial services
Relacionadas con renta fija: el código del estado del emisor.
Industry:Financial services
Relacionadas con oficios: el número de partes comunes disponibles en los precios de oferta y preguntar (por ejemplo, 50 x 20 representa un tamaño de la oferta de 5000 y un precio de 2000). Relacionado con noticias y comentarios de la investigación: el tamaño en kilobytes (kb) de un comentario de la historia o la investigación de noticias.
Industry:Financial services
Valores pueden ser impuestos o exentos, o sujetos a estatales y locales. Exentos de interés de la seguridad está libre de estado y los impuestos locales tema-interés de la seguridad no está exento de estado y el impuesto local.
Industry:Financial services